Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Indonesian Girl : DJ Vega

Here She is. A girl i like you to meet. DJ Vega. I 'll telling you the whole about her later. First, these some of her pics.

Friday, June 26, 2009

President Candidates Debate Part 2

Last night, president candidates debate held on TV at 7 PM. The conslusion is : lil bit better than the first. SBY and JK, the two candidates tease one another. Throwed by JK mostly, SBY just defend and sometimes strikes back. Mega? Even the moderator ignore her. Its funny when 2 candidas get their time to answer, and mega -i dont know why- left behind ignored by the moderator.

JK, as usual, funny and relax. SBY still on his charisma. And mega, no changes. Her point still confusing, or probably it intentionally to drive audien run out of topic. I don't know.

Any opinion about this? Please share..

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


foto ciuman pasha & alyssa
a video recording revealed that the relationship Pasha 'Ungu' with Alyssa Soebandono outstanding.

In the video be about 2.5 minutes, the intimate scenes look Pasha kissed Alyssa's mouth while they're eating in a Japan restaurant at the Jakarta-center two weeks ago.

In fact, the gossip that they have a special relationship has been outstanding since two months ago. However, both confute that their proximity only for the purpose of work.

"Alyssa and I have no special relationship. We just frtiend, for the sake of a video clip, "Pasha said at that time.
Alyssa also confute herself together with the three childless widower. "Pasha and me are free. For only the clip, "Alyssa strictly steady.

Seemingly want to prove that their relationship just a job, later shown a video clip 'Ungu' where Alyssa Soebandono become one of the models.



MANOHARA mengaku diberi pil
Case enmity Manohara Odelia Pinot (17) with her husband, Fakhry Petra Tengku Muhamad, heat up again. In an interview in one of the national television station, newspaper Fakhry impugn his wife have been traumatic.

According to Fakhry, Manohara just so happy. This can be evidenced from the results recorded at Manohara a vacation in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). In those impressions, Manohara appear happy on holiday with son Raja Kelantan, Malaysia is. Even in a moment, is being seen Mano jump to the sea.

Manohara confess always be given the Pill when want to make a sexual relationship.

This is done when Fakhry invites Manohara holiday to Lombok island on April 2008 ago. "Every invited related, is always given manohara pill," said the lawyer of Manohara, Hotman Paris at a press meet in his office, Summitmas Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (24/6/2009).

Manohara confess that in fact afraid of the height and swimming, but after drinking the pills manohara feel fly.Manohara also confess that while on the island, he is jump and swim by Fakhry.Dan Strangely, after drinking the pill, mano no longer afraid of the altitude and water.

But she was astonished that, after the pill was given Fakhry, the same as when trying intimate touch, feel Mano confess fly. "While on the island, jump and Mano are swimming," he said.

While on the island, the kingdom of Kelantan also install hidden camera to himself can not act different. "Wherever Manohara are, on the island, in the kingdom or in public places, should be visible Mano ostensibly happy" he said.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


MANOHARA pakai pengacara Malaysia
Manohara Odelia Pinot family agree appointed lawyer origin Malaysia.This step is taken to indicate if they were serious process Tengku Fakhry, Manohara husband via the law.

"Today is the official solicitor agree appointed the lawyer from Malaysia," said Hotman Paris Hutapea, In Grand Hyatt Hotel,MH Thamrin street, Central Jakarta.

According to Hotman, the appointment of counsel for the origin Malaysia beckon if the Manohara seriously with the son of the king Kelantan to authorities in the country's neighbor.

"This shows we take serious legal action," said that lawyer..

Allegations of mistreatment made by Fakhry, says Hotman, will sued in criminal, civil and divorce claim. Many of the results as proof of visa and images of violence will be taken as evidence.

Meanwhile, Mohamed Zaini Mazlan, the lawyer of Manohara from Malaysia give the information, accompanying himself brave Manohara because of the truth.

The legal process in Malaysia, Mazlan said, very independent. Although there are special courts for the kings and sultans, but no one is immune law. Who is guilty should be responsible.

"Anyone who does not have immune law," he said.


struk|nota belanja Manohara
Picture above is evidence Manohara shop when a handbag and glasses Gucci brand with a total outlay of SGD1.430. On the shopping note there is also a signature of her husband, Tengku Fakhry.

A little surprising is the date on the shopping bill. Listed there, Manohara shopping on May 29 2009. This is the day before Manohara vague attempt to Jakarta.

Follow the story of Manohara make us confuse and curious.We can only wait the next Manohara's story.



video klip Manohara
Manohara now truly has changed so real artist.After yesterday-busy yesterday in location syuting sinetron entitled to their own name, now to be Manohara ask to be a video clip model a new band.

As seen Sunday (21 / 0) model of the boom through violence cases prince of Kelantan to be busy this model clip "Misteri Cinta Dangduters property, in the way Joe, Regions Lenteng Court.

Before involved in this video clip, it is reported had occurred manager struggle between the clips.Manohara was offered originally by Nine Band, been a vocalist by ST 12, Charlie Van Houten.

But may be unsuitable because it's budget, Charlie frustrated the young age of the model.
Manohara is reported to receive this bid, because the producer give price banderole until above 300 millions, by the new album be succesfull. Really so?

"I do not speak a matter of face value of its contract.That I could be happy clip model, this group, "Manohara said.

Monday, June 22, 2009


The development of cases Domestic Violence (domestic violence) experienced Manohara Odelia Pinot increasingly difficult.Latest news, mentioning that there are appropriate laws, Manohara should be deported to Malaysia.'Kasus Manohara deportasi' surprised The Indonesian people.

But deportation is denied a claim unripe one power law Manohara, Hotman Paris Hutapea. "There is some loser who says that a WNI marry with foreigners, the nationality status will be lost. That's moronic statement. While millions of women who are already marrying with WNA, "Hotman demolished in Mabes Police, yesterday afternoon.

When asked who he statement purposes, Hotman reluctant to answer them. "I do not want a joker. But there is a statement and that statement is moronic, "more specifically.

"When she (Manohara) deported, then the mothers will also be deported. She is not different with the mother, she is part of Mother Earth.And the mother of the person who will be deported accuse first, "said the lawyer.

Previously, the Executive Director GACD Andar Situmorang, who was in Kuala Lumpur, said that the deportation should be carried out according to the Law No.12 year 2003 on Citizenship.

Appropriate provisions of Article 23 and 26 about the loss of citizenship, according to Situmorang, Manohara not WNI become official after his wife Petra Tengku Muhammad Fakhri with earl Yam Cik Puan Temenggong Kelantan.

In addition, they also ask to perform checks against Manohara's mother, was davina with suspected exploit children under the age.


video|foto MANOHARA sinetron
According the news,Sinetron Manohara will run for 25 episodes and tells a story about life and marriage manohara Kelantan prince.Now,Video and Foto Manohara sinetron can found easy everywhere.

Manohara Odelia Pinot contracted 2.5 Billion criticism was so crowded news celebrities. The contract was obtained manohara before the official himself in the world of entertainment with the labels artist.

Sinemart offer akting contract worth 2.5 billion for 25 episodes in Manohara. And, although certainly not get a response from the Mano and Daisy (how effective the campaign, Riddles) but in Manohara Ad Sinetron RCTI can provide many exciting answers.

Daisy Fajarina justify the contract akting Sinetron Manohara although not yet experienced in the role of art.

Story of marriage, domestic violence to the vague Manohara Odelia Pinot family's control of Kelantan Sultanate, Malaysia, the withdrawal presenting drama sinetron shown in the display glass.

Salah satu Video Manohara Sinetron

Therefore the only reasonable, even though the new day arrived in Indonesia, Manohara direct bid in order to get a lot of her story made sinetron or film, and even he himself requested to be the stars.However, the family has not been responding to serious bid it.

In a press meet in Jakarta yesterday, Manohara also treat attitude Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Malaysia, Da'i Bachtiar, who does not give attention to him. "It should be replaced Dubes RI di Malaysia," she said.
He does not claim to get any assistance, even for him seemed to have created the Embassy telling fairytales about himself. "He said Manohara fun in Kuala Lumpur, but not so," augment him.

Manohara also told when he had a call to the Embassy but did not."I say this emergency phone, emergency.But officials there say `can not` because they were off, "said Manohara

Besides because the real story of manohara's life,manohara became an artist also because she has beautiful face and a healthy good body.According the news,manohara always do sports and fitness in the fitness center.Manohara also consume nutritious food,such fruits and vegetables.Beside that,she often does health consultation in the hospital.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kebaya Pictures Collection

I try fishing on google image search to grab you. Am i succeed? You tell me..^_^

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Indonesian President Candidates Debate

If you think Indonesian President candidates debate similiar with american debate, you make a mistake. Last night, 3 candidates debating on TV. And what is on my mind is so clear. That was not a debate. There are no difference oppinions which drive to hot conversation. Just a me too debate. Lil' bit boring. Or a peace is identical with boring? Just answer your self.

Indonesian Girl : Bathe in Public

Take a bath after all day long working on farm is not always a home ritual. Bathe in public is not unusual event here. Rivers maybe some of popular option, like this indonesian girl did..., oh, its not nude in public stuff of course..LOL

Wanna Join her? Come and visit us...


Foto surat Daisy Fajarina BURONAN
Daisy Fajarina, Manohara Odelia Pinot's mother never be a fugitive French government (buronan Perancis)related to the alleged mistreatment parlormaid household.'Foto surat Daisy Fajarina'was outspread in internet and surprised the Indonesian People.However, at that time, Daisy even challenging to show evidence. Wednesday (17 / 6), a blog that claimed to belong to one of the people of Kelantan, 'rakyatkelantan.blogspot.com', showing evidence that indicates that this Manohara's mother guilty convicted and sentenced 18 months.
According decree which has been translated in this language, referred to the provision of power to all officials and to all the state officers to search for Daisy, and bring them to home detention area according to French laws that valid.While, there has been no official statement by Daisy issued in connection with the emergence of the evidence is circulating on the Internet.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


foto berita kasus penganiayaan of CICI PARAMIDA
The Indonesian people surprised by the news(berita kasus penganiayaan of Cici Paramida).The dangdut singer, Cici Paramida persecuted her husband Suhaebi, after found Suhaebi with another woman in the summit area. Following chronological The accident.

Saturday June 13, Suhaebi that went to town to Cici Paramida, working on business. However, as a wife, Cici have another feeling.

He departs with his family to the area of Puncak, West Java. Correct course, Cici found her husband with another woman in the car in the area Cibogo, Bogor, West Java, Sunday June 14 at 19:50 WIB.

Cici is directly down from the car and ransack her car.Ebi, Suhaebi also call out and bicker with Cici Paramida. Not apologize, Ebi even hit the right cheek to Cici hematoma and encouraged to asphalt to the forehead and hands hurt.

Not accept treated roughly, at 21.00 pm, Cici Paramida reported her husband,Suhaebi that married in March 12 ,2009 in Mecca to the police station Bogor. Then at 22.00 Cici a vise in the hospital and provide information to the police office at 16.00 WIB.

Furthermore, after review Cici Suhaebi undergo any examination of the morning at 04.00 WIB. Until this news was revealed, Ebi still undergoing review.

The News of persecution Cici Paramida remind our memories about Manohara.Manohara also tormented by her husband,Fachri.This is the story..

Manohara Odelia Pinot show through the injury as a result of a number of photos, stored on the phone to the journalist in Hotman Paris office in the building Summitmas 1, floor 18, Sudirman, Jakarta, Monday (8 / 6) night. 'Foto luka sayatan manohara' was outspread in internet.

"This is a new wound that Mano feel lighter because the rest is open to all and Mano are not comfortable with that," said maohara, on the injured-shaped slice of sharp zig-zag around the chest.

Mano respond to speech, the power law Hotman Paris menandaskan away, "is very chilling. That is just the most light. I just spent almost see the tears so the wound," he said.

Meanwhile, the forensic expert doctor Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta, Abdul Mun'im Idries explain her visum results showed that Manohara has two degree-level violence, a violence that is left with serious injuries secondary level.

Monday, June 15, 2009


foto hot ciuman MANDALA and VANESSA ANGEL
Hot Photo Vanessa Angel Mandala and knowledgeable outstanding celebrities in the news. 'Foto ciuman Mandala and Vanessa Angel' was outspread in internet forum.after the previous photo circulating,poppy bunga and edwin abeng, this time turn mandala and girlfriend's Andhika spread. In both images appear to fuse each other at the mouth of both cheeks, it is alleged that strengthen the photos are starting to prove the relationship both of them involved.
In the photo is visible Mandala Shoji Vanessa Angel and kissed each other on both cheeks, from this photo reinforce allegations that mandala - vanessa has a special relationship, the closeness of the two disputed the love affair, and only just a friend.

Meanwhile, Mandala had confessed her love Vanessa rated it would be developed. "He would like to receive if taught a positive thing," Mandala said. In fact, Mandala also been made with the way new artists.

However, both Vanessa and Mandala oppugn said a special relationship. "Mandala only friend," said Vanessa. Mandala also rejected if it is considered a destructive relationship and Vanessa Dwi Andhika.Padahal Mandala had been admitted also send short messages to the phone seluler by Vanessa Vanessa health condition of the sick.

Bad news of Dwi Andhika and Vanessa Angel outstanding. Gossip circulating, Vanessa has affair with reality show presenter, Mandala Shoji. And the extent to confess this Andhika not clear the problem. Vanessa is so difficult to be contacted.

As a boyfriend, of course Andhika Vanessa believed more than a newspaper circulating. Because basically he believes to Vanessa, he remains the focus happens to Vanessa, and Andhika was not directly men-judge or Vanessa force to open the story was.

According Andhika, vanessa and he did not have a problem. Only the latter,communication is rarely done because Andhika has a personal problem.

Communication is important in constructing a relationship. Though the relationship remains smooth, of course necessary communication smoothly also. That should be done by a pair Dwi Andhika and Vanessa Angel. Because of communication that has been rare, they say the relationship is rather distant. according to the news, vanessa has affair with Mandala Shoji and Andhika can not confirm that to the girlfriend.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Foto Mitha Dara The Virgin

foto mitha dara THE VIRGIN
foto dara THE VIRGIN
In various internet forum,'foto mitha dara The Virgin' was outspread.Mitha Dara's foto consist of individual pose and together pose.This is biodata and profile Mitha Dara The Virgin.Dara The Virgin was born in Tasikmalaya August 9 ,1991. previously known as Dara Mamamia. now, better known as The Virgin and Dara are increased leaf with The Virgin Band under the auspices of Republik Cinta Management by Ahmad Dhani.Mitha that many initially join the few Indie bands, starting in the known world music drawn by Indonesia since Ahmad Dhani The Rock formation in Indonesia.
Mitha and Dara the virgin have the same hobby are swimming, singing, and running the morning.Mitha Dara also loves the movies and reading novels in India.Dara has the sexy and beautiful body.that's because Dara often do sports.she always keeps healthy.she eats fruits,such as orange(vitamine C),and vegetables that contain high nutritions, protein,and various vitamins.according the news,dara also often healthy check up in specialist doctor in a medical hospital.Dara & Mitha the virgin was hold concert in Singapore.So,both of them always looks healthy and fit.


Together with new lawyers, Manohara show some photos that prove himself once in the razor blade.Now,'Foto visum luka manohara' was outspread in internet One of them is the Photos Payudara the top of the Manohara have used the razor blade slice. According visom results,Slice images of razor blade in the chest Manohara not be a advanced, there's more evidence that torture is carried out on Manohara cruel, but because of its place in the body that is not worth viewing, Manohara therefore does not show the photos. That is part of the photos of visa Manohara conducted in a hotel in Jakarta. Manohara visa process is done on Monday, 8 June 2009.

Photographs shown Manohara meet the press at the time of the morning before, also the suspicion that some people say that no serious Manohara complete case. Image is also proved that Manohara actually experienced torture.

We remember,previously Manohara Odelia Pinot davina and her mother Fajriah was challenged to make a police report and make a report to prove the allegations of violence by her husband, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry Petra.

"I will guarantee if davina and Manohara would make police reports in Malaysia. Molim course. We will not guarantee what happens. We also want justice," said Mohd Soberi Safii, Tengku Muhammad Fakhry friends in Kuala Lumpur, Monday .

Soberi ,Fakhry's friends confess that, when located in Singapore when Manohara rwill eturn to Indonesia. He also knew that early Goodbye husband-wife that, the court, in cases of marriage to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

"If you want to make a report and police report in India also please. But I met a doctor so that the specialist does not doubt the report," said Soberi.


foto mesra poppy bunga

poppy bunga hotPhotos of Poppy Bunga with Tanri Abeng son, Edwin Abeng, is circulated in the internet. Photo-image apparently taken Poppy time and widower who work as the middle of the holiday in Bali.'Foto mesra poppy bunga' was outspread in internet.

About the image, Susi was sad.Because Poppy is now gets different gossip. In fact the original, Poppy often be fed on anyone, including the Edwin.

"I just repeated that you do not like this. This is a learning process," said Susi.

In the photographs of the summer at this time in the busy discussing among seleberiti and infotainment, Poppy Bunga not shrink from posing hot and intimate with Edwin Abeng childless widower who is at once a child is also a former Minister of the state-owned as well as the famous Tanri Abeng.

Poppy bunga appear with the usual pose-pose in the dressing tempt Yank top and hot pants in the body of Edwin Abeng be naked chest, and even lie in the Edwin's body.

Poppy recognize their own events on hot photos and try to respond relaxed."No problem with my photos" Poppy said while explaining that the image was taken in February 2009 in Bali yesterday at the ceremony birthday her father (Usman) in Bali.

According to Poppy she already knew Edwin Abeng since 2006 but close to 2 new start later this month.Poppy and her family feel comfortable with Edwin because he is a good man, and Poppy coincidence are also the former wife of Edwin, as clearly Dwi Andhika former lovers who are still beloved Median.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Foto Zaskia Sungkar Pacaran Dengan Pangeran Brunei Darussalam

Sister's shireen sungkar, Zaskia Sungkar, this month is a court with the Prince Abdul Qawi, nephew of Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah of Brunei Darussalam. Although the same prince, Zaskia sure her sweetheart does not like Prince Kelantan, Tengku M. Fakhry.According the news,'foto mesra Zaskia Sungkar and Pangeran Brunei' was outspread in internet.

"During this ust fine, I have concerns. So far I know him well and respect women," said Mark Sungkar and daughter Fany Bauty was found at the Studio Penta, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta, Tuesday (9/6/2009 ).

According Zaskia, both parents had to give their blessing to the relationship. Zaskia recognition is strengthened by her mother.

"I agree, I see him well, impolite. Moreover, in Brunei as far as one I'm not like that. If the person is Malaysia Indonesia insult people,"Fany said.

ntroduction Zaskia with Prince Abdul Qawi began when Sister The personnel was invited to sing in that rich country.Although originally not interested because the prince timid, eventually attracted Zaskia also.

Monday, June 8, 2009


Manohara Odelia Pinot show through the injury as a result of a number of photos, stored on the phone to the journalist in Hotman Paris office in the building Summitmas 1, floor 18, Sudirman, Jakarta, Monday (8 / 6) night. 'Foto luka sayatan manohara' was outspread in internet.

"This is a new wound that Mano feel lighter because the rest is open to all and Mano are not comfortable with that," said maohara, on the injured-shaped slice of sharp zig-zag around the chest.

Mano respond to speech, the power law Hotman Paris menandaskan away, "is very chilling. That is just the most light. I just spent almost see the tears so the wound," he said.

Meanwhile, the forensic expert doctor Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta, Abdul Mun'im Idries explain her visum results showed that Manohara has two degree-level violence, a violence that is left with serious injuries secondary level.

From the results of the report, the Mun'im Idries find some injury cutlet with zig-zag shape in the area around the breast, thigh, and a point on the back injury due to puncture syringe. "All the injured, including two degrees, one degree if the penganiayaan light. Tadi (Monday afternoon) I have been taking blood and urine sample," he added.

Based on the report, the information Mun'im, already can be used as evidence for mempidanakan Fakhry. "The Mano because this has been done (Fakhry) a few months ago, this includes the middle and perpetrators can be arrested," the old man emphatically that


Photos of the MU Wearing Batik - To await the coming of the giant club Soccer world Manchester United (MU) who do tour in Indonesia on July 20 to come to a wide range of unique big occupation very day the party is felt in Indonesia and one of them is Operator ad that describes the 3 GSM MU players are put on batik."wow,pemain MU memakai batik".Indonesian people said proudly.

Foto MU players wear clothes that are unique to Indonesia at this time many can found in baliho that various corners of the city of Jakarta, and the succession to the batik is Wayne Rooney, Park Ji Sung, Michael Carrick, and Sir Alex Ferguson as coach eleven MU.

Candi Jogja and Prewedding Pic

Meneer, nickname of talented photografer from Jogja, have made nice pre wedding pic using candi as a background. Some touch made all of those pic look so artistic. Well done. If you all come to Indonesia, bring your best camera. Don't let all memory go away.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Now,foto cathy sharon and Ridho Irama was outspred in Internet.Ridho Irama grateful to be admired by two famous female artists berparas and elegant, Sharon and Cathy Luna Maya. But, in the middle of a gossip Cathy hearts to him, Ridho stressed that the most important in his life at this time not to get my girlfriend.

Approximately a month later that the gossip circulating vocalist Cathy like this sonnet Band 2. Gossip is very probably comes as a time Cathy had admired reveal to the son of King of Dangdut,Rhoma Irama,and Marwah Ali. "When I have a rave, it's so grateful. As an entertainer, when people consoled, I indicate my success," he said this has not been long in the journalist. "I'm very happy because the expression is derived from the artists on board, such as Luna Maya and Cathy Sharon," he said again.
Ridho, a new age of 20 years, also confessed that at this time he was not thinking to get a girlfriend, including the expression of admiration for the smooth Cathy approach. "What is certain, at this point, I still want to concentrate and remove the idea of the play to me. He used to work," he said.

Friday, June 5, 2009


Karenina is the winner of MISS INDONESIA 2009.Now,Foto Miss Indonesia Karenina was outspread in internet.this is the profil of Karenina Sunny Halim,miss Indonesia 2009. Karenina was born in Jakarta, June,13th 1986 at this time actively teaching in a junior high school in Jakarta.His full name is Karenina Sunny Halim.
Karenina Having a mother who came from Montana, United States, and active in NGO make the familiar Nina has joined this social life that is high enough. He never took down a teacher for children of tsunami victims in Aceh. In addition, Nina has a principle that the happiness of others above personal happiness has a diploma degree 6, among others in the field of Public Relations, Sales and Marketing, the Primary Teeching, Economics, Performing Arts and Music and Arts.



There are a few photos of some of the more dugem, after see-seen face there was a similar Lestari Bunga Citra or better known as BCL.

Old news is not in the mass media, but photos dugem Bunga Citra Lestari or often abbreviated BCL, now decorate many outstanding internet forums.

Indeed, no matter the extraordinary images that are visible from Citra Lestari Bunga dugem, but at least the presence of an idugem image that can treat nostalgia for the fans who have long BCL invisible glass Is.

A song "Cinta Pertama (Sunny)" who is a soundtrack film "Cinta Pertama" make Bunga Citra Lestari name increasingly popular. Dewiq track creation make Bunga dream become a singer form. Moreover, after first solo album sold 75 thousand copies in just two weeks time.

For Bunga, it is not easy to achieve the dream as a singer as well as the sinetron player. Daughter pair Muchlis Rusli and Emmy Syarif this must give up many things to use her solo album, including the gather with the family.

The owner of the chubby cheeks this start her career as a model of ad, also popular with the appearance with Ari Lasso through hit "Aku dan Dirimu" in the album "The Best Of Ari Lasso".

Actress name is also referred to as the 'ringleader' divorce Ariel Peterpan, the middle of a serious relationship with Ashraf Sinclair, an actor origin Malaysia who is also the miliarder a son. Seriousness is visible, after receiving a visit Ashraf and his family who came to Jakarta. Infotainment even mention the visit as an 'application' for Unge.

Applications eventually bear fruit and even a real wedding super lux in 2008. On Saturday, November 8, 2008, Bunga applicated by Ashraf Sinclair. Two celebrities in difference of nation get married in Masjid Al Bina, Senayan, South Jakarta with the dowry a pair of 1.5 carat diamond earrings.

Wedding reception was held on Sunday, November 9, 2008, at the Golden Ballroom of Sultan Hotel, Jakarta with the customary Padang and Bunga puts Suntiang, crown typical Minang.

Wedding reception also was held in Malaysia for two days. By using the private jet plane a gift from Ashraf's father, Ashraf and Bunga leave to Malaysia on Wednesday, November 12, 2008.

The first day of reception theme UK, according to customary state Ashraf's father who came from England and was held Friday, November 14, 2008 at The Saujana Kuala Lumpur, Subang.

The two held reception a special for close family, on Saturday, November 15, 2008 in Klub Golf Petaling Jaya. Ashraf's family was impose Malay custom clothing. Marriage is broadcast by TV3 in episode three. One episode (program WHI) show a dialog directly with Bunga and Ashraf Sinclair.