If you visit Indonesia and want to comunicate or share your story with friends and family, you can connect to the net. Every distric already have internet cafe where you can upload your story. With Rp 3000.00 or US$0.4, you can access internet for 1 hour. If you bring your own laptop, you can connect to the net by selfphone or dial up connection. Each cellular provider has its own procedure, but if you use dial up, you can use telkomnet instant using 080989999, user : telkomnet instan, password : telkom. Its tariff about Rp 150/minutes.
At big cities, you can connect using your laptop which has wifi supported. Most Hotels, cafe, and university have free hotspot area. If you don't bring your own laptop, some cafe provide laptop for rent.
There're many ways on accessing internet in Indonesia. So if you visit Indonesia, you still easily connect with your friends and family.