Sunday, January 27, 2008

Selamat Jalan Pak Harto

Former Indonesian president Soeharto, passed away in a hospital (Pertamina Central Hospital) on Sunday, January 27th 2008 at the age of 86, about 13:10 p.m. local time (06:10 GMT).

The general condition of Soeharto acutely deteriorated from 1 a.m. on Sunday, and all organs failed at the same time.

Soeharto suffered his first multiple organ failure a week after he was admitted to hospital with heart, lung and kidney problems.

The relique of Soeharto will be convoyed by his family members to his home at central Jakarta from the hospital later, and then be transported to Solo, hometown that located at Central Java, by the VVIP Indonesian Air Force C-130 aircraft. He will be buried there at his family's graveyard with his wife Tien Soeharto at Astana Giribangun on Monday, January 28th 2008 at 12:30 pm.

Kami akan mengenangmu sebagai seorang pahlawan, bapak pembangunan,
seorang suami yang mencintai istri, seorang ayah yang menyayangi
anak-anak dan keluarganya ....

Selamat jalan Pak Harto ....