Monday, November 1, 2010

Ketep Pass, an Interesting Place. Was?

Few years ago, i went to ketep pass, an interesting place just few kilometers from Merapi vulcano. Merapi and merbabu are side by side mountain, and ketep pass located at the top of a hill at west of them, so we can see those two mountain very clearly. Seems like you can reach the lava by your hand :).

Ketep Pass located about 60 km from Yogyakarta (Jogja) to the north. Use your gmap to locate them precisely. To go there easily, just ask to your cab driver. You'll arive there about an hour from Jogja.

What to do at ketep pass?
1. Watch the mountains closely
2. Watch the panoramic view
3. Eat bake corn
4. Take pictures
5. Feel mountain weather
6. Watch eruption movie
7. Whatever you like..., no sex,.. no motel up there

Not interested yet? Visit there right now, Merapi will give you deathly kiss... the explosion is still.. no cold winding cloud, only boiled steam, dust, and stone as a welcome party member right now.